Archives par mot-clé : social network

EUSN 2016 – compte rendu d’Olivier Marcel

Le GDR a financé deux participants au Second colloque européen d’analyse de réseaux sociaux (Paris, 14-17 juin). Vous trouverez ci-dessous le compte-rendu rédigé par Olivier Marcel, géographe originaire de Brest. Il est également téléchargeable au format .pdf.

A state of the graph at the Second European Conference on Social Networks (Paris)

« Egos » and « alters », « centrality » and « homophily », “ERGMs” and “R packages”: the EUSN 2016, Second European Conference on Social Networks, was a gathering of social and computer scientists fluent in the rich lexicon of Social Network Analysis (SNA). Hosted in the Science Po Paris premises, the 4 day meeting was focused not on a region, a period, or a phenomenon, but rather on a cluster of methods forming a self-avowed “new paradigm” for social sciences. As challenging as it is to identify a common thread to such a broad event (15 workshops, 32 panels and 2 keynotes), the clearest denominator of the conference’s content was probably the fertile notion of “tie”, that is also at the very core of network theory. How to measure and visualize the ties between individuals, what meaning and affordance can they provide, and more fundamentally what generates and sustains them? This conference, among a series of other similar events blossoming in European academia and particularly in France, is additional testimony to the topicality of SNA.

Continuer la lecture de EUSN 2016 – compte rendu d’Olivier Marcel

Appel à com’ : « Réseaux, circulations, échanges », 13-14 octobre 2016 – Toulouse

5 e journée Inter-Congrès RT 26 – AFS
10 ème journée ResTo (Labex SMS)
GDR – Analyse des Réseaux en Sciences Humaines et Sociales
« Réseaux, circulations, échanges »
Les 13-14 octobre 2016 – Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Date limite de soumission : 31 août 2016

Continuer la lecture de Appel à com’ : « Réseaux, circulations, échanges », 13-14 octobre 2016 – Toulouse

Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les réseaux sociaux – Lyon, 6-8 juin

Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les réseaux sociaux : description, données, modélisation, interprétation

Appel à contribution – Datathon


Avec des jeunes chercheurs de l’équipe DATE INRIA (ENS Lyon), d’ICAR (ENS Lyon) et de Lidilem (UGA), l’Institut rhônalpin des systèmes complexes (IXXI) organise un atelier intitulé : Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les réseaux sociaux : description, données, modélisation, interprétation, Titre court : SocioNet (6-8 juin 2016)

Date : datathon 6 juin / workshop : 7-8 Juin
Lieu : ENS de Lyon, Lyon
Theme : Réseaux sociaux / Science des réseaux / Domaines concernés des SHS
Disciplines : toutes disciplines SHS ou STIC étudiant ou utilisant la notion de réseau social (contacts sociaux « face à face » ou communication numérique).

Continuer la lecture de Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les réseaux sociaux – Lyon, 6-8 juin

EUSN 2016, Workshops, June 14

Workshop fees: 35 euros (3 hours), 70 euros (2 x 3 hours). Details available on this page. Registration to EUSN conference is mandatory to participate to workshop. Full information on the dedicated website

1. Raffaele Vacca, Introduction to ego-network analysis with R (2×3 hours: 9h-12h and 13h-16h)

2. Michał Bojanowski, Using R and igraph for Social Network Analysis (2×3 hours: 9h-12h and 13h-16h)

3. Paola Tubaro, Yasaman Sarabi, Introduction to NetLogo and agent-based models of networks (2×3 hours: 13h-16h and 16h30-19h30)

4. Klaus Hamberger, Pascal Cristofoli, Anne Garcia-Fernandez, Cyril Grange, Olivier Kyburz, Kinship Network Analysis with Puck (2×3 hours: 13h-16h and 16h30-19h)

5. Ulrik Brandes, The Positional Approach to Network Analysis (3 hours: 16h30-19h30)

6. Lorien Jasny, Michal Bojanowski, Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) using Statnet (3 hours: 13h-16h)

7. Lorien Jasny, Michal Bojanowski, Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model (TERGM) (3 hours: 16h30-19h30)

8. Jennifer Hauck, Thomas Watkin, Using Net-Map for co-producing SNA knowledge and co-designing networks (3 hours: 16h30-19h30)

9. Till Krenz, Andreas Herz, Simplifying ego-centered network analysis in R with egonetR (2×3 hours: 9h-12h and 13h-16h)

10. Vladimir Batagelj, Network visualization based on JSON and D3.js (3 hours: 16h30-19h30)

11. Moses Boudourides, Mining (together with a bit of web scraping) of large social networks from Twitter using Python (and Ruby) (3 hours: 9h-12h)

12. Moses Boudourides, Extracting Social Networks from Literary Text (3 hours: 16h30-19h30)

13. Tom Snijders, Christian Steglich, The Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data using RSiena (3 hours: 9h-12h)

14. Tom Snijders, Christian Steglich, Advanced RSiena users’ workshop (3 hours: 13h-16h)

15. Elisa Bellotti, Betina Hollstein, Mixed Methods Research in Social Networks (2×3 hours: 9h-12h and 13h-16h)

EUSN 2016 Paris June 14-17, 2016 – call for abstracts

Dear Colleagues,

We now invite you sign up for workshops and/or submit abstracts of paper presentations and posters to the Second European Social Networks Conference (EUSN), to be held in Paris, France, June 14-17, 2016.

The conference will host about 17 special thematic sessions listed here:

Workshops offered in methods and analyses of social networks, including introductory courses and training on software platforms are listed here:

Abstract submissions in all fields of social network analysis are due by February 16, 2016. Please find the abstract submission procedure and instructions to follow here: Once you have submitted your abstract, you will receive a receipt of your submission by e-mail. You need to be pre-registered in the conference before you can submit your abstract. You will be able to register and pay for the Conference fee once your abstract has been accepted. Acceptance will be notified to participants by March 16 at the latest.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We look forward to seeing you in Paris in June!

The organizers

Laurent Beauguitte, Emmanuel Lazega, Christophe Prieur, Paola Tubaro

February 16: Deadline for abstract/poster proposals, and pre-registration opening
March 1: Registration opening
March 16: Notification to authors
April 18: Early registration closure
June 14: Workshops
June 15-17: Conference

Call for Workshops and Organized Sessions – 2nd European Social Networks Conference‏

Dear all,

We now invite you to submit proposals for organized sessions and workshops for the second European Social Networks Conference, which will be held in Paris from June 14 to 17, 2016 (see This European conference has received a regional endorsement by the INSNA.

You can propose to organize:

  •  A session, a set of paper presentations centered around a specific theme, for which participants can submit abstracts early March. Organized sessions consist of at least one 2-hour time slot accommodating 4-6 paper presentations.
  •  A workshop. Workshops are sessions of half a day (3 hrs) or a full day (2 sessions of 3 hrs) focused on teaching attendees specific methods, software or theories. These workshops are not free and require additional payment, namely 37.5 euro for half-day workshops and 75 for full-day workshops (with discounts for students).

Please send your submissions for sessions and workshops NO LATER THAN THE 11TH OF JANUARY, 2016. A call for abstracts will go out a week later. Please do NOT send abstracts for paper presentations and posters before January 19, 2016.

To submit an organized session or workshop, go to:
and follow the instructions.

Decisions will be communicated to the corresponding organizer(s) before January 19.

The call for abstracts, paper presentations and posters will be announced on the SOCNET list in the last week of January. Please check the website for updates regarding the EUSN conference. Do not hesitate to contact us at the email address below for any questions about the submission procedure.

Looking forward to seeing you in Paris next June!

The Program Committee of the EUSN 2016 : Laurent Beauguitte, Emmanuel Lazega, Christophe Prieur, Paola Tubaro –